Yes, no match report today all you PUFC fans due to a very heavy snow all through England, but I still have things to talk about.
I would like to reflect on our first half of the season which has been a happy one to date. We do have certain issues that need to be addressed and sorted, but nothing that I feel I can’t handle.
First of all and probably the main problem with PUFC is the time keeping. This is not my own personal(Witch-Hunt), it’s just that it occurs much too frequently and has to stop. In all honesty, most of the guys are very respectful to Leo, Steve and myself, and they should be because we work hard for PUFC in all aspects for the club.
I will just point out that last week, we were playing the joint top team to us and remember we are the only unbeaten team in the league and a third of the team turn up late for the kick-off. With a record like we have we should be all buzzing and ready to go hours before the game. The other team, Maple Cross, were all on the field 45 minutes before the kick-off. The problem is always when we play away from home, so I hope we sort this problem out before we start the first game of the new year. Hopefully this will be the last time that I have to mention it, so please guys, if you are reading this make sure you get to the games on time like the top of the table team should do and lets face it, I shouldn’t have to mention it at all.
Secondly, I just have to mention about the amount of injuries my players get week, after week, after week. I remember talking to Leo nearly a year ago, when we were forming the team and Leo wanted a squad of 26 players and I laughed at him because you can’t keep 26 players happy when only 11 start. Well some games, we are lucky if we have 13 fit players.
Honestly, I have never known a group of players get injured so much. I don’t know if it’s a Filipino thing or what, but our guys can not take the knocks like English players and I don’t know why they can’t because they are all born here in England. The good thing is that we keep playing against the big, tough players, but we keep beating them, so I guess I better change the subject on this matter.
Another big problem that I have to mention is that we DESPERATELY need sponsors to help our team(our successful team may i add), to survive. The players pay a small weekly subscription to the club, but we need you PUFC fans out there to help also, as we are well worth backing. We have a great team in the making, so lets give the team the support that we deserve.
I have saved the best till last and that is that I, personally want to thank everybody that has helped PUFC, so far this year and a special thanks to all my players, everyone of them for their endeavours and having a great camaraderie between us all here at Philippine United. I really hope that from January the 1st, we will have a complete change of attitude and more winning ways to keep PUFC where we belong, at the top of the league.
The final note is that a short while ago, Mr. Martinez, Steve and myself was discussing a short list of PUFC players for the Under-19s, of which I have named and also in the coming months, players whom could be considered for the full national team and I will be keeping a close eye on one or two of our boys for that opening.
I would like to finish my column this week, wishing all you PUFC fans and all the players and all the staff and everyone at the PFF office, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours in football,
Norm Parkin