Yes, PUFC claimed another scalp in the league with a very hard fought game against Wheathamstead, winning 3-2.
Well, I must admit, the first half was most definitely the worst performance I have ever seen by my team. They looked like they had never played together and showed no teamwork of any kind. The passing was shocking, the defending was slack and the general play was really bad in parts, especially in midfield, where we were getting a roasting, time after time.
Wheathamstead opened the scoring and deservedly so, with a poor mix up in defence. PUFC still couldn’t find a way through their defence, but stuck to their task and eventually got their reward with a well took goal from our one and only Anielo Mone. We should have had another, but so should the opposition also, so I think 1- was a fair caption on the first period.
At half time, I gave the team a very strict team talk and changed the tactics to suit our play. As usual we were playing against tall guys, but we always overcome the problem with skill down below. I’m glad to say it worked a treat and shortly after the break, we started looking like the team we are by running at them instead of playing the high ball to our strikers.
A great move ended in the back of the net, put in by Jason “the beast” Arroyo. We also had one disallowed, but we was well in control of the game and once again Anielo Mone was there to finish in style and take his goal tally to 14.
Good performances came from Engelbert Cepillo in goal, Renan Ramos, Ryan Suyat and the Man of the Match went to Anielo Mone for his tireless efforts up front, working like a Trojan, chasing everything, but mainly for great finishing when it was counted.
Well we are still unbeaten I’m glad to say and hope we may continue to be. However, we will be tested next week when we play Maple Cross in the cup who have won their last 7 games and lost only one, to yours truly – Philippine United.
Take care all you PUFC fans until the next instalment, keep the faith.
Yours truly,
Norm Parkin